Talent Aquisition Specialist / Recruiter

Sungrow Germany • Bessenbach

Servus und hallo zusammen!

Willkommen im HQ SUNGROWs für Europa, das schöne München! Das HQ liegt supernah gelegen am OST-Bahnhof, genauer gesagt in der Balanstr. 58. Dort haben wir einen riesigen Office-floor im 6. Stock von dem schon einige ein paar tolle „Sonnenuntergangselfies“ (was ein Wort,…) geschossen haben. Klar, hier im HQ findet am meisten Trubel statt, es sind tatsächlich sämtliche Teams vertreten und man trifft immer, und ich meine IMMER, nette Kollegen, die Mittagessen ordern wollen. Und hier sind wir auch schon an einem der coolsten features angekommen, nämlich unsere multikulturelle Belegschaft! Klar, logisch haben wir hier Deutsche, aber nebst denen trifft man hier auf etwa 50 verschiedene Nationen aus aller Welt. Viele chinesische Mitarbeiter findet man natürlich ebenfalls hier, es herrscht ein reges Treiben, es ist eine Wonne! Hier in München haben wir elektrisch verstellbare Tische und jede Menge Snacks zur Nervennahrung, sollte man mal was brauchen; Wir wissen nicht woher es kommt, aber in unserem Münchner Office finden sich ständig Snacks, die guten, also die klassischen Fruchtkörbe, und die,… andersguten in Form von Schokolade; jeder ist für sein eigenes Hüftgold verantwortlich 😊 Ich denke als kleiner Vorgeschmack sollte das erst mal reichen; also dann, wir sehen uns in München!!!


from today

Your duties

Greetings and hello there;
a warm welcome to You and Your new opportunity as a Recruiter for the most thriving industry we know right now, the green energy sector!
You will help us sustain our growth with the classic "bread and butter" tools of a Recruiter. For now we would extend this Job Offer for 1 year, but chances are good to make this permanent. And fear not, we have very ambitious targets to grow our team this year; so buckle up and let`s make the quick factchecks, what we need You to do with us:
  • Support our recruiting Team with your expertise help finding candidates for our PV service positions.
  • Represent us in interviews and evaluate if people have great cultural fit with us.
  • You will receive full ownership of the whole service environemnt and thrive our impact on the candidate market there.
  • Be a digitalizer! We use great digital tools to drive our recruiting, so check whether we can reduce 7 clicks to 4 :)
  • We embrace a hybrid environment, and have many offices around; drop us your application and let`s discuss how we can realize this together.

Your profile

All right, so ​now that you know what we have in mind for you, now it`s time to talk about ​your background:
  • You have performed as a recruiter before, ideally around 3-5 years.
  • It doesn't matter if you worked within a producing Business or want to join us from an external agency, we want to give everyone a chance to contribute to the greater cause.
  • You should have recruited within the electrical engineering sphere, ideally you know the sustainable energies industries, duh.
  • You have had contact with an HR-ERP system, if not, no worries, we teach you ours, which is Personio, by the way.
  • Languages: English and another european language at least C1. We are a "multicultural Sauhaufen", enrich us with your languages!
  • And, most of all, be a decent human being with which one wants to take a beer after a demanding week :D

Our offer

Hey there,
Welcome to the Sungrow-Recruting Team,
we are Julia, Michal & Nick, a pleasure to get to know you! We are a strong unit of dedicated Recruiters who seek their next "partner in crime". We enjoy all the benefits of a solid HR-ERP system, which helps us automize all our routines and we can focus more on... PEOPLE; would you join us, we guarantee you, you have never ever recruited that easily before!

We have the strongest PV-Inverter R&D there is and became the world`s biggest Inverter Manufacturer, which we are extremely proud of!And now, for this decade, we are increasing our game, and You, You might become part of it! Besides that, many things await You:  
  • Opportunities for Career advancement   
  • Bonus payment based on pre-agreed and signed KPI agreements  
  • A multinational team awaits You with lots of european and transeuropean exchange!
  • Possibility for technical and commercial knowledge increasement in regard to string inverters, central inverters, inverter stations including transformer and switch gear and storage solutions    
  • Technical and commercial training in our headquarter in Germany and even visits to the big R&D facility in China!
You have something superspecial to tell us? Worry not; we know just the right person you should speak to:
Dominik Nowicki

Dominik Nowicki

Talent Acquisition Manager Europe


Working at Sungrow


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