Service Operations Intern - Germany

Sungrow Germany • Munich • Services

Servus und hallo zusammen!

Willkommen im HQ SUNGROWs für Europa, das schöne München! Das HQ liegt supernah gelegen am OST-Bahnhof, genauer gesagt in der Balanstr. 58. Dort haben wir einen riesigen Office-floor im 6. Stock von dem schon einige ein paar tolle „Sonnenuntergangselfies“ (was ein Wort,…) geschossen haben. Klar, hier im HQ findet am meisten Trubel statt, es sind tatsächlich sämtliche Teams vertreten und man trifft immer, und ich meine IMMER, nette Kollegen, die Mittagessen ordern wollen. Und hier sind wir auch schon an einem der coolsten features angekommen, nämlich unsere multikulturelle Belegschaft! Klar, logisch haben wir hier Deutsche, aber nebst denen trifft man hier auf etwa 50 verschiedene Nationen aus aller Welt. Viele chinesische Mitarbeiter findet man natürlich ebenfalls hier, es herrscht ein reges Treiben, es ist eine Wonne! Hier in München haben wir elektrisch verstellbare Tische und jede Menge Snacks zur Nervennahrung, sollte man mal was brauchen; Wir wissen nicht woher es kommt, aber in unserem Münchner Office finden sich ständig Snacks, die guten, also die klassischen Fruchtkörbe, und die,… andersguten in Form von Schokolade; jeder ist für sein eigenes Hüftgold verantwortlich 😊 Ich denke als kleiner Vorgeschmack sollte das erst mal reichen; also dann, wir sehen uns in München!!!


from today

Your duties

Hello and Welcome to Sungrow!
We are excited to welcome You to our newest opportunity in Germany!
What a Service Operations Intern does here at Sungrow you might ask? Well, let`s dive right in:

Service Partner Expense Claim Management
  • Collect all provided documents as supporting files, e.g. email approval for delivery request, quotation, service report, acceptance  report, invoice. Check if all required information is provided or clear enough to understand;
  • Create expense claim application in the system according to the instruction step by step, and upload all provided information in the  attachment;
  • Communicate with the requester in case some required documents are  not provided, or to clarify the key information with them;
  • When an invoice for payment is received, create and monitor its  approval within the company's divisions. Interact with responsible departments of the company in order to avoid delays in payments to  counterparties (Service Partners etc.).

Your profile

  • Need to be careful, patient, and responsible to do daily operational paper work. Professional background is unlimited;

  • Be able to use English fluently;

  • Admin/Hotel reception background is preferred.

Our offer

This decade might be overshadowed by Covid19, but sooner or later we will beat and overcome that son of a germ, am I right?
But the true topic for this decade lies in energy!
We are more than happy to state that not only We are leading this discourse, we also offer the fitting solutions for it. We have the strongest PV-Inverter R&D there is and became the world`s biggest Inverter Manufacturer, which we are extremely proud of! And now, for this decade, we are increasing our game, and You, You might become part of it! Besides that, many things await You:  
  • A multinational team awaits You with lots of European and International exchange
  • Flexible working hours, Height-adjustable desks, Free snacks, drinks & team lunch
  • Professional onboarding, Individual trainings, Inspiration on events
  • Sunrise industry, Attractive salary, Startup atmosphere
  • Modern office near Ostbahnhof & Werksviertel - Close to a lot of restaurants & bars
You have something superspecial to tell us? Worry not; we know just the right person you should speak to:
Dominik Nowicki

Dominik Nowicki

Talent Acquisition Manager Europe


Working at Sungrow


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